• Database updated on: 07-12-2024
  • For further enquiry you can mail us srkonlineclass@gmail.com
  • Certificates can verify through E-mail on srkonlineclass@gmail.com or speed post/Courier on address: 1st Floor, Guru Teg Bahadur Colony, Chhati Di Galli, Mukerian, Distt. Hoshiarpur Punjab - 144211
  • Disclaimer: ACIT Computer Education is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crep in the records being published on Net.

Grade System in ACIT Computer Education:

O=Outstanding 80% & Above
A=Very Good 70% to < 80%
B= Good 60% to < 70%
C=Fair 50% to < 60%
D=Satisfactory 40% to < 50%
Attended Below 40%